When building your financial plan you need to consider several things:
Personal Financial Need
When is the last time you sat down and looked at your current financial need on a big picture scale? What do you need to maintain your desired standard of living? Considering things like your rent, utilities, lifestyles expenses and others will help you get a complete understanding of the financial number you need to achieve to make this happen. In business, whatever you track get’s better so let’s apply this idea to your personal financial situation.
Business Financial Need
Once you have a firm understanding of what you need personally, the next step is to identify what your business needs to do to make it happen. During this step it will be important to clarify:
Is this your primary source of income?
If this is the only way you make money then everything you do needs to count. If this is a side project with no intentions of becoming the main or you have outside funding that provides you with cushion then you can afford to consider alternatives.
Business Structure and your Annual Cycle
If there is one thing every business should work to achieve it’s a firm understanding of their structure and their annual business cycle.
Many of the answers to these questions require thought and planning. Things to consider include:
There is a major danger involved with having a few good months in your business and “feeling” like it’s time to upgrade, but if you can’t define them or recreate them then you might want to pull back and focus on understanding them first.
Here is a basic concept to consider if you are just starting out or if you’ve been in business for a few years:
If this is something that would be of interest to you, please let us know and we’ll create a course to help you get a base level of knowledge on these topics. If we did create a course what information would be most important to you? Let us know by sending us an email at – courses@simpler-x.com
Before moving into lesson three there are a few things you’ll want to have to make sure this process moves efficiently. Here’s what you need and here’s how we’re going to use it:
If you don't have any of these items it's ok. Even if you used a rough estimate in your head would be better than nothing. From here on out, keep track of what your business is doing.